Kick-Off Monday: Discover Your Ideal Career: Strategies for Success
This program is in person at our Tampa office.
Make this your week! Join other job seekers in this free, interactive workshop. During this session, determine what aspects of a job are most important to you and why you should be selective in your job search. It’s important to identify the traits and characteristics of your ideal job, so you can recognize and articulate them to others. Together with our career strategist, you will establish steps to ensure that you land a job that aligns with your wants and needs, bringing you long-term professional and personal satisfaction and job longevity.
What is Kick-Off Monday: Join fellow job seekers or individuals making a career change every Monday at the Tampa Bay Job Links office and find a renewed energy for your job search or career transition. Participants will exchange ideas, ask job-search questions, and create an action plan for the week.
Our goal is to provide a weekly session from which attendees get hands-on help to work towards their career goals. Sessions are free and registration is required.
Facilitated by a TBJL Career Strategist.
- Kick-start your week with renewed energy and focus
- Discuss the topic of the week
- Learn job-search and career transition skills from our TBJL Strategists
- Develop or improve your elevator pitch
- Exchange ideas, information, and experiences with others
- Ask job-search questions
- Create an action plan for the week
Materials Needed: A good attitude and readiness to kick-start your week to be your most successful self!
Program Length: 1½ hours. 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM. Participants should plan to arrive 15 minutes early. The program will begin and end on time.
Who Should Attend: Individuals looking to work in a professional environment and seeking relevant and practical advice regarding the next steps in their job search or career path.
Cost to Attend: Free
Dress: Business casual
Tampa Bay Job Links, a program of Gulf Coast JFCS, is supported by philanthropic donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations.