
Mar 17 2023


7:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Business Breakthrough

Business Breakthrough 21/10/22 at 07:30am

Business Breakthrough is a fully online networking meeting. We would like to invite you to meet new contacts, be involved in some inspiring discussion, be challenged to grow your business skills and find out each month about some of the inspiring business stories in Gloucestershire.

Some great Gloucestershire businesses: The Gloucestershire Business Show, Taylormade Business Services, Ascend Performance Coaching and The Business Kitchen have got together to create an opportunity to allow some structured networking, a chance to hear from some innovative speakers and to be challenged to use some skills that will help you grow your business.

There is no cost for the networking, you can join the meeting from just before 07:30, joining instructions will be on your order confirmation.

We hope you can join us.

You can check out the recorded interviews from previous events at:

#GetInvolved #JoinTheConversation #BePartOfTheStory

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